affects bridge use of emotions experienced by the subject to regress the subject to the basic cause of those emotions. For example: "Let that feeling take you back to another time, another place, when you felt the same way."
alter personality the manifestation of what seems to be another person (see personality). Alters may form, emerge, fragment or split off at time of need as a coping mechanism for stressful situations. Amnesia barriers are found between most alter personalities. They have no awareness of existence prior to split, but may recall a past life as the manifesting personality. Lost time is a hallmark of the multiple personality as alters take over. Some of the alters can tell which were "created" (alters) and which were "invited" (entities). Alters know they are part of the soul-consciousness and the body is theirs; they can be integrated into the personality. Entities know they are separate, and cannot be integrated.
ambassador (< Old French < Old Italian < Provençal, ambaissador) 1. the highest-ranking diplomatic representative appointed by one country or government to represent it in another. 2. a special representative; emissary. An ambassador is sent from his own country to live for awhile in another country, as an official representative of the government that sent him. He has no authority over those to whom he is sent, but he does have some authority over citizens of his own country who reside in or visit the country to which he is sent. An ambassador (apostle) has more authority than a messenger (angel) or a spokesman (prophet): within predefined limits, he is authorized to make commitments which his government will honor (Matthew 16:19, 18:18).
angel (< Latin angelus < Greek aggelos) 1. a messenger. 2. a discarnate being, either good or evil, having greater than human power, intelligence, etc., who has never lived in a physical body (incarnated). Unless otherwise specified, normally used in reference to the good ones who serve as messengers of God.
apostle (< Greek apostolos, a person sent forth) 1. an ambassador. 2. any of twelve disciples whom Jesus selected, called his ambassadors, and sent out to represent the Kingdom of God. 3. Paul and Barnabas, after they were selected by the holy spirit, approved by the church leaders in Antioch and Jerusalem, and sent out as the apostles to the gentiles.
apostolic 1. of or belonging to an ambassador; ambassadorial. 2. of, belonging to, founded by, or descended from the Christian Apostles in direct line of succession; hence, 3. (Roman Catholic) of the Bishop of Rome; of the Pope; papal.
as-angel (Greek isaggelos < isos, equal + aggelos, messenger) a formerly human being who went to the Light, entered eternal life (no longer reincarnates), and continues to serve as a messenger of God; a risen saint; a holy ghost. (Luke 20:36)
astral (Latin astralis < astrum < Greek astron, star) 1. of, from, or like the stars. 2. Zoology: of an aster in mitosis. 3. designating or of a universal substance or dimension existing just beyond normal human perception.
astral levels horizontal planes perpendicular to the Source of the Spirit-Light. During clairvoyance or out-of-body travel, many have perceived bright points of light against a darker background, like the stars at night. Closer inspection shows that each "star" is a discarnate being who is radiating light, and the background (spiritual atmosphere) is not a uniform gray ...
caring-connection a thread-like, thought-form extension of the aura that joins one soul to another; when energized by genuine affection or blessing, visible to angels and clairvoyants as a glowing thread or tube full of light; comparable to the silver cord that keeps a soul connected to its physical body during out-of-body travel.
catharsis (Greek katharsis, purification < kathairein, to purify < kathos, pure) Basic meaning: to cleanse. 1. a purgation or purging; 2. a purifying of emotions or relieving of emotional tensions; 3. alleviation of fears, problems and complexes by bringing them to the consciousness or giving them expression.
christ (< Church Latin, Christus < Greek, christos, anointed < chrio), to anoint with scented unguents or oil; spread over, smear, grease. Used to translate the Hebrew word mashiach, smeared, anointed.) 1. Judaism: (a) descriptive title of anyone specially approved (anointed) by Yahweh or His representative; (b) the anointed one (Messiah) whose appearance is predicted in the Jewish Scriptures. 2. Christianity: Jesus of Nazareth, regarded by Christians as the realization of the Jewish messianic prophecy: originally a title (Jesus the Christ), later used as part of the name (Jesus Christ).
daemon (Latin, a spirit; in late Church Latin, an evil spirit < Greek daimon) 1. any of the secondary divinities ranking between gods and men. 2. a guardian spirit; inspiring or inner spirit; 3. same as demon.
daimon (Greek, divine power; in late Church Greek, an evil spirit < daio, to light up, blaze) a god, goddess; the Deity; fate, destiny, fortune. daimonion (neuter of daimonios) deity, divinity, or divine operation, (Latin numen, the Divine will).
daimones (Greek) souls of men of the golden age, who formed the connecting link between gods and men: hence, later, disembodied souls (Latin manes, lemures).
daimonia (Greek) an inferior race of discarnate beings, in contrast to the gods; the name by which Socrates called his genius.
death (English < Old English < Indo-European base dheu-,
to become senseless).
1. biological death: the act or fact of dying; permanent ending
of all life in a person, animal or plant; final separation of soul from
2. spiritual death: the destruction of a soul; absolute inertia,
irreversible apathy.
deify 1. to make a god of; to rank among the gods. 2. to look upon or worship as a god. 3. to glorify, exalt, or adore in an extreme way; idolize.
deity (< Latin deus, god < Greek theos< Indo-European base dei-, to gleam, shine) 1. literally, one who gleams or shines. 2. the state of being a god; divine nature.
demon (< Latin daemon) 1. an evil discarnate being; evil spirit, devil. 2. a person or thing regarded as evil, cruel, etc. (the demon of jealousy). 3. a person who has great energy or skill (a demon at golf).
deva (Sanskrit) originally, a good discarnate being, a good spirit; later, a tutelary deity; still later, a god. (Often confused with diva which is Italian for a leading woman singer, especially in grand opera; a prima donna.)
devil (Middle English devel < Latin diabolus < Greek diabolos, slanderous). 1. Theology: (a) the chief evil spirit, a supernatural being subordinate to and the foe of God, and the tempter of man; Satan; Lucifer; (b) any of such subordinate beings who reside in hell; demon. 2. any very wicked or malevolent person. 3. any person who is mischievous, energetic, reckless, etc. 4. an unlucky, unhappy person (poor devil). 5. anything difficult, hard to operate, control, understand, etc.
diabolos (Greek < diaballein, to accuse falsely) 1. falsely accusing, slanderous, calumnious --hence, diabolical. 2. a slanderer; especially, the slanderer, the Devil, Satan.
discarnate (< Latin dis, apart + carnis, flesh) 1. living, but not in a physical body; disembodied, incorporeal, as a spirit. 2. the non-material, spirit-state of existence.
earth-binder any entity who leads people to desire earthly pleasures or treasures, and thus leads them to reincarnate. Many ghosts, guides, guardians, and gods have done this, and many continue to do so: these deceptive discarnates have discovered that they don't have to reincarnate as long as they can get what they want through those who do. They herd and ride people as people herd and ride horses.
earth-binding any strong desire for anything that requires a physical body, such as physical sensations, sex, money, job or business, a worldly cause, or any place or incarnate person. Such desires lead souls to hang around earth or reincarnate.
earth-bound 1. the condition of a discarnate being that hangs around earth: ghost, poltergeist, incubus, succubus, etc. 2. the condition of a soul forced to reincarnate by its own earth-binding desires.
elementals the spirits of lower life-forms such as viruses, bacteria, crustaceans, insects or arachnids. Not intentionaly evil, but some can be very detrimental if they infect or infest the spiritual body of a higher life-form such as a human.
evil (English, used to translate the Greek poneros) 1. causing pain or hardship; harmful; hurtful; injurious. 2. morally bad; wicked; depraved. 3. intentionally injuring, damaging or destroying; malevolent. 4. willfully causing pain; sadistic.
evil spirit a discarnate being that is causing pain or hardship, either intentionally or through indifference.
fragment 1. a separated piece of someone's spiritual body. The soul to whom it belongs may not know where it is. It can be imbedded in someone else's spiritual body. 2. in witchcraft, when casting a spell, part of the witch's consciousness that can remain with the person on whom the spell is cast. 3. part of the consciousness of one person that can parasite on another; psychic vampirism; 4. part of the consciousness of an overbearing parent that can obsess a child.
genius (Latin) according to ancient Roman belief: 1. a guardian spirit assigned to a person at birth; tutelary deity. 2. the guardian spirit of any person or place, etc. 3. either of two spirits, one good and one evil, supposed to influence one's destiny. 4. a person considered as having strong influence over another. 5. same as jinni.
ghost (< Middle English goste < Old English gast, soul, spirit, demon; akin to German geist < Indo-European base *gheizd-, to be excited or frightened) 1. originally, the spirit or soul. 2. the disembodied soul of a dead person, sometimes appearing to the living as a pale, shadowy apparition. 3. a haunting memory. 4. a faint, shadowy semblance, slight trace (not a ghost of a chance).
glossolalia (< Greek, glossa, tongue + laleo), to prattle, chatter, babble; of birds, to twitter, chirp) ecstatic vocalization of unintelligible speech-like sounds, viewed by some as a sign of deep religious experience, especially in various religious groups laying great stress on religious excitation and emotional fervor. This is what happened at Corinth (I Corinthians, Chapter 14). Glossalalia can be produced by almost any intense emotion, dreams, drugs, drunkenness, high fever, hypnosis, hysteria, insanity, mind-control, or spirits. It is not testable; therefore people can consciously or unconsciously fake such sounds. (See xenoglossy)
god (English, probably < Indo-European base ghau-, to call out to, invoke) 1. [God], in absolute monotheism, the creator and ruler of the universe, regarded as eternal, infinite, all-powerful and all-knowing; Supreme Being; Almighty. 2. [God], in preferential monotheism, the one god who is worshiped and served by a people; henotheism. 3. [god], any of various beings conceived of as supernatural, immortal, and having special powers over the lives and affairs of people and the course of nature; a deity, especially a male deity. 4. an image that is worshipped; idol. 5. a person or thing deified or excessively honored and admired.
golem (Hebrew: originally, embryo; later, monster) 1. a man-like being artificially created by cabalistic rites; robot, automaton. 2. a thought-form entity created in the mind that may take on a life of its own; examples: imaginary playmates; soldiers who stand guard by your house; conjured beings in games such as "Demons" or "Dungeons and Dragons;" helpers conjured up by sorcerers. They have no history prior to being conjured. Their creator is the conjurer, and they can persist through many lifetimes of the conjurer.
guardian (< Old French, garder) 1. a person who guards, protects, or takes care of another person, property, etc.; custodian. 2. a person legally appointed to manage the affairs of a minor or someone judged incompetent to manage his own affairs. 3. a discarnate being who (a) guards a person, or (b) takes over a person's decision-making.
henotheism (coined about 1860 by Max Muller < Greek hen, one + theos, god) belief in or worship of one god without denying the existence of other gods.
incarnate (< Latin in, in + carnis, flesh) 1. living in a physical body; embodied, corporeal. 2. a person or animal, as the embodiment of a god or spirit; possessed. 3. any person or thing, as the embodiment of a quality or concept; personified.
incubus (< Latin incubare, incubate). 1. a ghost or demon that lies on sleeping persons for the purpose of sexual intercourse (see succubus). 2. a nightmare. 3. anything oppressive; burden. (Incubi and succubi are sexually obsessed ghosts or demons who take advantage of and amplify sexual fantasies.)
jinni (Arabic, the plural is jinn) Moslem legend: a supernatural being that can take human or animal form and influence human affairs.
joy -- In spiritual
literature, the feeling aroused by the expectation or possession of
some good. One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Joyful emotions affect
the body, but they are essentially in the higher faculties of the soul.
Differs from pleasure, which may affect the human spirit but originates
in some bodily sensation. Thus joy is possessed by angels and human
beings, and its source is the rational will. [Fr. John Hardon's Modern
Catholic Dictionary]
life (English)
1. biological life (Greek bios): that property of plants
and animals which makes it possible for them to take in food, get energy
from it, grow, adapt themselves to their surroundings, and reproduce their
kind; it is the quality that distinguishes a living animal or plant from
inorganic matter or a dead organism.
2. spiritual life (Greek zoe,): animation, vigor, vitality,
liveliness, enthusiasm, vivacity. Spiritual life varies by degrees: active,
not active but reactive, inactive.
little people intelligent nature spirits: not human but humanoid; not necessarily good or evil, but often mischievous. Examples from world literature include: brownie, dryad, elf, fairy, faun, gnome, leprechaun, nix, nymph, pixie, satyr, sprite, sylph, troll.
magic (Middle English magike < Latin magice < Greek magike, the art of the Magi) 1. the use of charms, spells, or rituals in seeking or pretending to cause or control events, or to govern natural or supernatural forces; sorcery, witchcraft; (b) such charms, spells, or rituals. (White magic implies benevolent purpose, such as casting a blessing. Black magic implies malevolent purpose, such as casting a curse). 2. the art or performing skill of producing baffling effects or illusions by slight-of-hand, concealed apparatus, etc. (stage magic). 3. any mysterious, seemingly inexplicable or extraordinary power or influence (the magic of love).
magician an expert in magic, either (a) a sorcerer, wizard; or (b) a performer skilled in sleight-of-hand, illusions, etc.
necromancy (< Latin necromantia, Greek nekromanteia) to inquire of the dead, as to seek an oracle, with or without the assistance of a medium; a form of divination using human ghosts.
obsession (< Latin obsidere, to besiege, attack) 1. originally, the act of an evil spirit in attempting to possess or rule a person; 2. the fact or state of being haunted or troubled by an idea, desire, emotion or impulse that repetitively and insistently forces itself into consciousness even though it is unwelcome; more specifically, one that cannot be got rid of by reasoning. Intellectual obsessions manifest as a preoccupation with a category of ideas; inhibiting obsessions manifest as doubts, scruples or phobias; impulsive obsessions lead to manias, such as kleptomania.
old ones (including ancient gods or goddesses) discarnate entities who may have been human long ago, but are now immortal because they no longer incarnate. They like to influence people, and may act as intelligent demons, but they do not serve anyone except themselves. They want to be served, obeyed, worshiped. Often, they are infested with non-intelligent demons and may change rather dramatically for the better when the demons are removed.
personality (< Latin persona, an actor's mask): the characteristic set of qualities by which a person can be recognized as an individual; an identifying pattern of physical and mental actions and reactions, habitual attitudes and behavior.
poltergeist (German < poltern, to make noise, rumble + geist, ghost) a ghost that causes table rappings and other noisy disturbances.
possessed (< Latin pos-, able + sedere, to sit) 1. owned. 2. contolled by an emotion; crazed; mad. 3. the state of a physical body while it is occupied, dominated or controlled by a discarnate entity or entities other than the original resident soul.
prophet (< Greek prophetes < pro, for + phanai, to speak) 1. a spokesman. 2. one who speaks for God or a god, or as though under divine guidance. 3. a religious teacher or leader regarded as or claiming to be divinely inspired. 4. a spokesman for a movement, cause, group, etc. 5. one who predicts future events; soothsayer. (A prophet is, literally, a spokesman; that is, one who speaks for another: "Thus saith the Lord," and not necessarily one who predicts the future.)
reano (a word used by good spirits in communications with Ben Swett [e.g., "A Small Explanation" 1970] and not found elsewhere, apparently > Greek reo, flow + ano,
up, upward); reverent joy; specifically, the upward flow generated by
dwelling on whatever is truly good, beautiful, holy; elevation of
spirit; tuning oneself for receptive prayer. Reverent joy is power for
residual scar tissue of the spiritual body; unintentional thought-form or shell. Residuals have no history prior to their creation in the mind. The original, subconscious purpose for their creation is usually defensive or protective, but may be simply trauma. They may persist for many lifetimes and may grow layer upon layer in each lifetime. (May be formed by the self-deception inherent in hypocricy.)
residue non-living stuff that contaminates a spiritual body as dirt contaminates cloth. Can be created by dark thoughts or feelings. Often found after the removal of detrimental discarnates. A spiritual body can be cleansed of residue by washing it with light, and there are angels and as-angels who specialize in this work.
Satan (Hebrew: adversary, opponent, enemy < satan, to be adverse, plot against) 1. (Judaism): any of various discarnate beings functioning as accuser or critic of man. 2. (Christianity): the great enemy of man and of goodness; the Devil: usually identified with Lucifer, chief of the fallen angels. Satanic of, characteristic of, or like Satan: devilish, wicked, infernal, diabolical. Satanism worship of Satan: especially the principles and rites of a cult that travesties Christian ceremonies.
shaman (Russian < Tungusic saman < Prakrit samana, a Buddhist monk < Sanscrit sramana, ascetic) A priest or medicine-man of shamanism, which is: 1. the religion of certain peoples of northeast Asia, based on a belief in good and evil spirits who can be influenced only by the shamans. 2. any similar religion, as of some American Indians and Eskimos.
shell a crystalized energy constellation in the spiritual body, built up through past patterns of behavior, attitudes, likes and dislikes, relationships, phobias. Some stimuli can reactivate the entire constellation into consciousness, where it may manifest as an alter personality. This alter is aware of itself as part of the soul-consciousness of the person. It can be protective, but it may also limit perception.
somatic bridge the use of a physical sensation or movement, or a mental image (shape, color, scene, etc.), to establish communications with an alter personality, a subpersonality, or a discarnate entity. Example: "If that (sensation, movement, image) had a voice, what would it say?"
sorcery 1. use of supernatural power over people and their affairs; witchcraft, magic. 2. seemingly supernatural power, influence, or charm. Sorcery implies a use of magic in which spells are cast or charms are employed, and usually denotes some harmful or sinister purpose.
soul (Middle English soule < Old English sawol -used to translate Latin animus, Greek psyche and Hebrew nephesh.) 1. a spiritual entity, whether incarnate or discarnate. 2. the potentially immortal core of a mortal being; 3. the essential self behind all the masks (see personality); 4. that which animates the living; a point-source of initiative, power and purpose, and thus an uncaused cause (see volition).
spirit (< Latin spiritus, breath; used to translate Greek pneuma, breath, and Hebrew ruach, wind.) None of these terms are precisely defined or used, but they all imply an analogy between something physical and something that is not physical. Therefore: 1. non-physical reality; 2. the invisible, variable atmosphere of thoughts and feelings that surrounds a person or group of people; 3. a current in that atmosphere, an invisible influence, understandable by the purpose or direction of its observable effects; (spirit of loving-kindness, spirit of truth, spirit of confusion, spirit of fear); 4. by attribution of effect to cause, a discarnate entity (holy spirit, unclean spirit, evil spirit).
subpersonality a structured set of attitudes, drives, habit patterns and belief systems that is "split off" from the rest of the personality. They are usually formed at a young age as a result of some unmet basic need or drive or emotional trauma. They often develop in pairs of opposites, with the tendencies of one balancing out the other, for example: "the good little boy" versus "the rotten kid." Similar to the "complexes" of psychoanalysis, or the "Parent, Adult, Child" of Transactional Analysis. Each subpersonality has some valuable qualities that are important to preserve. They have no history prior to splitting off. Investigation may lead to a past life memory with unresolved conflict.
substance spirits characteristic little discarnate beings found in association with hallucinogenic or consciousness-altering drugs. Some people see these beings, feel them, and describe them in a similar manner. For example, "Mescalito" of Carlos Castenada. They are semi-intelligent, and can sometimes be talked with. Unlike demons, they profess not to be evil. They say they are merely doing what they are supposed to do. They are probably one class of elementals.
succubus (< Latin succuba, strumpet < succubare, to lie under) a ghost or demon that lies under sleeping persons for the purpose of sexual intercourse. (See incubus)
supernatural (< Latin, super, above + naturalis, by birth) 1. existing or occurring outside the normal experience or knowledge of man; not explainable by the known forces or laws of nature; specifically, of, involving, or attributed to God or a god. 2. of, involving, or attributed to ghosts, spirits, the occult, etc. 3. exceeding normal bounds; extreme (skating with supernatural grace).
thought-form an object or entity created in the mind, made real by the originator's belief in its separate existence, and thus projected into spiritual reality. Examples include the objects and entities (golems) created by conjurers.
Titan (Greek) any of a race of giant deities who were overthrown by the Olympian gods; poetic epithet for the Titan, Helios. Titanic of or like the Titans; of great size, strength, or power. Titanism a spirit of revolt or defiance, like that of the Titans, against the established order, social conventions, etc. (See old ones.)
totem (< Algonquian Indian, as in Ojibway ototeman, Cree ototema, his relations) 1. an animal or natural object considered as being related by blood to a given tribe or clan and taken as its symbol. 2. an image of this. (See genius, jinni.)
volition (< Latin velle, to be willing, to wish, to will --whence voluntary, volunteer, benevolent, malevolent, etc). 1. the ability, power or faculty of using the will. 2. an exercise of the will (including "will not"); any conscious, deliberate act; attention, intention, initiative, purpose, decision, choice.
warlock (< Old English waerloga, a traitor, a liar < waer, faith + leogan, to lie) 1. a man who practices black magic; a sorcerer or wizard; the male equivalent of a witch. 2. a conjurer or magician.
Wicca (< Old English wicca, sorcerer; akin to wikke, evil --whence Middle English wicked.) the modern revival of an ancient pagan religion based on witchcraft.
witch (Middle English wicche < Old English wicce, feminine of wicca, sorcerer) 1. a woman having or supposedly having supernatural power, usually by compact with either good or evil spirits; sorceress; 2. an ugly and ill-tempered old woman; hag, crone. 3. short for water-witch; douser. 4. a bewitching or fascinating woman or girl.
witchcraft 1. the power or practices of witches; either white or black magic; sorcery; an instance of this. 2. bewitching attraction or charm. Witchcraft (of women) implies the possession of supernatural power and suggests the use of womanly wiles.
witch-doctor among certain tribes, especially in Africa, a person who practices a type of primitive medicine involving the use of magic, witchcraft, etc.
wizard originally, a sage; later, a magician, conjurer or sorcerer; by extension, a person exceptionally gifted or clever at a specified activity. Wizardry (of men) implies the possession of supernatural power and suggests the use of remarkable skill, cleverness, etc.
xenoglossy (< Greek, xenos, foreign, strange, unacquainted with + glossa, tongue) vocalization of an actual language, ancient or modern, which the speaker does not know; viewed by some as evidence that the source is a spirit. xenography is the written expression. These terms were coined by Dr. Charles Richet (1850-1935), French psysiologist and Nobel Prize winner (1913). Xenoglossy can edify a group, if someone present knows that language, because it is testable and therefore difficult to fake. The normal reaction to this evidence of spiritual communication is astonishment, and then elation as people assimilate its implications. This is what happened at Pentecost (Acts 2:1-11). (See glossolalia)