29 Jan 1997
Re: More Stuff
Hi Trudy!
After I retired from the Air Force, I worked as a consultant in R&D,
but that has dried up, so now I'm living on my retirement pay. I'm not a
full-time minister, and I don't take payment for spiritual work.
Your letter is a significant progress report -- and I am pleased! I shared
it with the First Century Christianity group, and several of them wanted
to see my whole file of our correspondence, so I'm wondering if it could
be sanitized (to protect the innocent and the guilty) and posted on my website.
Yes, I know you gave me permission to share your letters with anyone I felt
needed to see them, but I won't share them publicly unless they are sanitized
by changing the names and deleting anything that might offend or embarrass
someone. What do you think? Is this idea worth pursuing?
Please expand on the answer or explanation you received when you asked what,
specifically, did "resting in God" mean.
A BIG step! -- removal of the interference you used to experience when attempting
to pray, and finding a connection to God that you could not feel before.
(And what does she do with this new connection? Of course, remote detachments
for members of her family. Excellent application.) "My father has started
praying. My 17 year old nephew, who is having problems with drugs and alcohol,
decided to go back to school. Could be coincidental of course."
Indications of success in remote detachment are often subtle. Individual
changes could be coincidental, but the pattern of change and accumulation
of changes can be considered evidential.
How our group got started is in "Welcome to First Century Christianity."
When we decided to continue meeting, I simply asked the Chairman of Christian
Education to put it on the list of small groups. She told the minister and
the Official Board that Bethany had started another small prayer group.
Since then, I've kept the minister, the Elders, and the Official Board generally
informed of what we are doing, without going into details. However, I don't
think it would be done this way in a church where authority is vested in
the clergy. Best guess: if the priest doesn't endorse it, you won't be able
to use church facilities and will have to meet in homes.
The entire report of your prayer sessions for Tom should be shared: it contains
two concrete pieces of evidential material, a technique I have not heard
of before (the mirror), and a great insight concerning the loving patience
of God's angels.
I haven't found an evil spirit that was not infested with little dark energy
beings, but the issue is how that happens -- and the need is for spiritual
sanitation and hygiene.
Humans are capable of causing pain and hardship without demonic influence,
but what usually happens is this: if a human looks on the dark side and
thinks dark thoughts that cause an emotional reaction such as resentment
or justifiable anger, demons rush to that human, amplify that feeling, and
prolong it. The human may say, "Sometimes my anger seems to take on
a life of its own," and that is precisely correct. (See Matthew 6:22-23
where "eye" means point of view.) So yes, we can hold people accountable
for evil acts, as an accessory before the fact, and because they can still
refuse to act on an evil impulse even if they are influenced by demons.
Your exchange of e-mail with Bill Baldwin is interesting. I was surprised
to see him say that over 50% of his clients have some level of ET interference.
Maybe it's because ET ghosts are working with incarnate UFO drivers. If
so, we should be asking God to send His angels to whole networks of incarnate
and discarnate ETs.
Pax opus nabiscum
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