Ben H. Swett
17 September 1989


Detachment therapy deals with discarnate entities attached to or residing within the spiritual body of the person being helped. The objective is help all possible entities, and that refers to both the person and the discarnates.


The methodology I will be discussing is based on the work of Dr. William J. Baldwin. He is an ordained minister, has his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, and is a licensed exorcist of the United Anglican Communion Church. His methodology differs from other approaches to exorcism in three important ways:

1. It is based on good-will

He tries to help every entity he can. For example, he does not merely try to expel demons; he tries to convert them--rescue them--by helping them change their ways and rejoin their brethren, the angels who did not fall. This is different. It shows that kindness, which is good-will in action, is a fundamental axiom for this methodology.

2. It's rational

He works from an overall understanding (paradigm) of the spiritual universe in which what he says and does make sense. He does not operate in the blind, through faith in symbols or rote incantations. He knows what he is doing--not perfectly and not completely, of course, because he, too, is still learning--but this is a rational approach.

3. It works

I met Dr. Baldwin in May, as several of you did. Since then, I have conducted over forty one-on-one sessions with fifteen different people using his methodology or modifications thereof. As you know, I have no formal credentials whatsoever in this field. I make no claims and accept no renumeration. I am merely practicing my religion in accordance with the Lord's instructions, when He said: "Go to the lost sheep of the House of Israel, and proclaim as you go, saying `The Kingdom of God is at hand.' Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give." I have now seen examples of those things being done. In some cases, I have been part of that work. And although I am only beginning to understand this ministry, I have learned a few things that I would like to share with you.



In my experience, at least, the operator has no power of his own and does not use any of his own energy. God's angels do all the work. And they only respond to the operator's requests because God has assigned them (temporarily) to that operator. Further, if the operator asks the angels to do something and they don't want to do it, the operator had better abandon that course of action, because it is probably not in accordance with the will of God.


The operator should first know God as God is revealed by Jesus. The power behind effective detachment therapy is not the old image of a god who judges harshly, condemns and punishes--it is the God of the New Testament, who is not willing that any should perish. He gives each soul free will, respects their free will, and encourages them to use it. If they use their free will to their own and others' detriment, He is disappointed but not vengeful.

This God--through those who serve others in His name--continually seeks for, searches out, and rescues lost souls and those who have intentionally gone astray. He loves them all, even the demons. And there is great rejoicing in heaven when a lost soul returns to the light: I have felt it.

This is what is meant by the statement in John 1:12: "... to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God." Hebrew names convey a message: they have a literal meaning. In Hebrew, the name "Jesus" (Y'shua) literally means, God saves or God rescues. Thus it is to those who believe God rescues that Jesus gives power to become children of God.

Jesus illustrated his message about the true nature of the rescuing God by his stories of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son (Luke, Chapter 15). He also stated unequivocally that he himself was sent on a rescue mission: "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost." (Luke 19:10)

Until one knows this and assimilates it well enough to act and react from basic good-will, which is the will of God, one is not likely to be effective in this work.

Initiative and Experience

The operator must take the initiative in detachment operations. If one course of action doesn't work, try another, based on your experience with these techniques. If you ask a question and there is no reply after a few seconds, just make a note "no response" and try something else. Lost souls and demons are trapped or addicted--stuck in some kind of misconception or fundamental lie. They would not be stuck if they took the initiative to free themselves (or knew they could). The angels cannot see them very well because they are spiritually dark or dim entities against a dark or dim background, and the lost ones themselves cannot see, do not believe in, or shun the light of angels. That is why a human is needed in spiritual rescue operations, to work between the light and the darkness.


I don't think Dr. Baldwin's techniques will work very well unless the operator is periodically receiving guidance from God during the operation. This is because the operator follows a logical course of action, based on his or her own experience and understanding, and that is not sufficient for this kind of work. Notice when the course of action changes abruptly and apparently illogically for the better: that is where the operator was inspired, where he or she received guidance from the Lord and acted on it. The most beautiful outcomes almost always depend on one or more inspired turning-points in the course of action.

Cautionary Notes

Investment in outcome

Working with close relatives can be difficult because the operator may be invested in the outcome. Some people are too empathetic: they get wound into the emotions of the subject or the person channeling. And any kind of ego-involvement makes a person subject to temptation or threat--and thus to tempters or threateners.


Predictions that don't come true can cause disappointment, discouragement and doubt that spiritual work is real. On the other hand, the results obtained in this work can seem to be miracles, but it is foolish to base one's faith on miracles. Because miracles are--by our own definition--exceptions to the rule, the normal operation of God's laws will tend to destroy any faith based on miracles.


The operator must not be locked into his or her own preconceived agenda. He or she must remain flexible; that is, ready to shift tactics instantly on the basis of information received from the subject, the angels, the demon or lost soul, and most specifically, on guidance received from the Lord.



It is important to prepare yourself before starting a session. For example, if you are irritated at someone, set that aside, or pray for that person until the irritation is gone. Otherwise, your own irritation will block your ability to receive guidance from the Lord and you will be operating on no wisdom greater than your own.


Don't forget to begin by asking the Lord for his blessing and guidance. Ask him to assign a demon rescue team, warrior angels, and healing angels. Do this again every time you resume work after a break. And don't assume that you, yourself, automatically remain attuned to the Lord. Stop, elevate your spirit, and realign your purpose with His good-will as often as necessary during a session.


Check your own communications, and cross-check communications through the person being helped. I find it best to have the rescue team leader and all the lower discarnates communicate through the person being helped, if at all possible. This leaves me free to listen for the Lord's guidance. If communications through the subject are blocked, note that as data to be investigated, and start working around that communications block by trying one approach after another.

Session Notes

Take your time. Don't be in a hurry. I take verbatim or nearly verbatim notes. The operator should take his or her own notes for reference during the session even if the session is being taped. A transcript of the session is highly valuable for review and analysis of what actually happened. Much understanding comes only during such after-session reviews. As a final product, a transcript is more valuable than a tape recording because it can be edited by all parties involved to include mental images, thoughts and feelings that cannot be recorded on tape.


Don't be in a hurry to finish a session. Take time to ask the team to fill the person with light and start mending operations. Don't forget to thank the Lord and the angels who helped. They don't require your thanks, but you need to thank them, and they appreciate your courtesy.


Our vocabulary concerning discarnate entities is not very comprehensive, so there is considerable confusion of terms. However, the order of increasing difficulty in detachment therapy seems to be: (1) lost souls and little people, (2) elementals and non-intelligent demons, (3) intelligent demons and demon commanders, (4) old souls or ancient gods, and (5) truly independent entities.

Good spirits

Discarnate helpers: often joyous and uplifting, and rarely mischievous. This is probably the original meaning of the term, deva (Sanskrit for a good spirit and later for a god). Ask the Lord's guidance. In several cases, his guidance has been to let this type of entity remain with (but not within) the person.

Lost souls

Lost souls are human beings. They have not gone home to the light for a variety of reasons. Some don't realize they are dead. Some forgot they came from the light and were not taught anything in their most recent life. Many think they have done so much evil that they cannot be forgiven, or they have been taught to fear God. Some feel unworthy. Some are ashamed and do not want to be seen in the light. But most lost souls are relatively easy to deal with, and the rejoicing when they join their loved ones in the light can make even strong men reach for the Kleenex.

Little people

Gnomes, fairies, trolls, elves, etc.: not human, but humanoid. Treat as lost souls. One such entity was perceived as something friendly, active, fluttering, and a bit mischievous, but it was causing trouble with breathing. It looked like Tinker Bell. When released, it was not constrained by the light capsule and promptly departed. The rescue team leader's comment was: "Shy ... hiding ... harmless."


This may be the proper term for the spiritual life-forms found in association with hallucinogenic and conscious-altering drugs. They are semi-intelligent, and one can sometimes talk to them. Unlike demons, they profess not to be evil. They say they are merely doing what they are supposed to do. Course of action is not clear due to limited experience, but one batch of substance-elementals appeared simply as the perception of a color and went to the light readily when asked to do so.


There are at least three kinds of demons, according to their intelligence. They all do damage, and they are all to be removed from any person or discarnate being.

Non-intelligent demons are something like insects or lower life-forms such as bacteria and viruses. They infest the spiritual body wherever and whenever there is an opportunity. They appear as little bitty specks and bits of darkness, but they are often found in masses or colonies or layers. Some of them flee the light and some are too frightened to flee.

Semi-intelligent demons are something like rodents. They may appear as dark areas that move, and they often seem to have red, red-orange or orange eyes.

Intelligent demons (including demon commanders) may be converted and helped to go home to the light, but the operator may need guidance from the Lord in order to know what course of action may convince them they need to go home and that they can go home. Their basic vulnerability is that they have been deceived--into believing the light will burn them, and that they have no light inside them. If they can be shown they have been deceived, their conversion is usually well under way.

Ask the rescue team leader if any of the demons are intelligent. If so, you may choose to try to convert them, or you may turn them over to the demon rescue team for conversion. If demons are not intelligent or semi-intelligent, simply ask the rescue team to bag them up and take them wherever they belong.

Old ones or ancient gods or would-be gods

These are much like intelligent demons, but they serve no one except themselves. They want to be served--worshipped. Often, they are infested with non-intelligent demons and may change rather dramatically for the better when the demons are removed. However, if they still won't listen to reason and look to the light, turn them over to the demon rescue team.

Independent souls

Truly independent entities serve no one and do not want to be served. They neither seek the light nor fear it. Their basic attitude is one of superiority (especially intellectual). They may be powerful and sarcastic, but they usually respect the truth because they have pursued truth (but not kindness). Their vulnerabilities are loneliness and boredom. Demon rescue teams can't do much with them, but the Lord can, and you will have to have his help in dealing with them.


Angels may give their names, or they may refuse to do so if someone present is not aware that names do not prove whether an entity is working for God. Angels may be referred to by function (team leader, messenger, warrior angels, healing angels), but in all cases, remember that you are not praying to them. Pray only to the Lord, and his angels will reply or respond in his name, as his agents.

Lost souls almost always have names, but they may be confused (and confusing) because they have had different names in different lifetimes. When this happens, don't get in a hurry; just keep asking gentle questions and taking notes. This kind of confusion will probably sort itself out after awhile.

Demons apparently don't have names, but they may be referred to according to what they do (fear, doubt, confusion, anger, etc.), or by title if one is a commander, or simply as "dark one." Treat them firmly, but with respect, for they are also lost.

In this work, the only purpose for names is the same as radio call-signs: to let those involved know who is speaking and who is being addressed--and that's all. They are only a convenience, and really don't prove anything.

Some techniques

Inquiry technique

One way to start looking for attachees is simply to ask, "Is anyone there besides (name of subject)?" In many cases, an answer may come through the subject, and the detachment session is off and running. However, this approach only reaches entities that are willing and able to talk with the operator, and it is not a good idea to start this way unless the rescue team has encapsulated all the dark ones first.

Somatic bridge technique

If the subject experiences a physical sensation or movement, emotion, or mental image (shape, color, scene, etc), the operator may try to establish contact by asking, "If that (whatever it was) had a voice, what would it say?" If there is an answer, it may have come from a wide variety of sources, so further conversation is necessary. The operator should not be hasty in diagnosing the nature of the source. An error due to over-quick diagnosis at this point can lead to surprising and distressing results.

Pounce technique

If there is any indication that there are lots of demons, or heavy-duty demons, ask the rescue team leader to have his troops gather quietly and then move in quickly and encapsulate all the dark ones at once. This can save a lot of trouble later. After the team has them all bagged up, it is a good idea to ask the team leader which one you should deal with first. He can also give suggestions as to how to deal with each demon. If he isn't sure, ask the Lord.

Light-screen technique

Ask the team leader to place the person being helped, the operator, and the entire area in protective bubbles of light. When he indicates this has been done, ask him to have four of his team move into the bubble around the person to be helped, each take one corner of a large sheet of light and hold it horizontally above the person's aura. Ask him to station other rescue team members below the screen to catch and encapsulate anything dark that flees the light, and a clean-up crew above the screen to capture all the little dark ones that are too frightened to run.

Next you will need to get the subject's permission to proceed. Although he or she may say "OK," if the permission is not real, the team probably will not go any farther. If the team hesitates, tell the subject that the light-screen has not entered his or her space, and ask again for permission.

Once permission is given, ask the team to start the light-screen down through the subject. He or she may sense where the screen is, and the subject, the operator and/or an observer may see it in the eye of the mind. The screen will hang up on spiritual scar tissue, some but not all sub-personalities, most entities, and thought-forms. Note each point at which the screen stops. Ask the team leader what stopped the screen and if it should be removed. If so, ask him to remove it. If it can't be removed, ask the team to encapsulate it and continue with the light-screen operation. Take good notes so you remember to go back and work on anything that was by-passed. Don't get impatient. I have seen a light-screen take as little as 20 minutes and as long as 2 hours and 20 minutes.

Regression Therapy

Regression therapy deals with normally subconscious aspects of the person being helped. These include blocked or buried memories, past-life experiences, and various kinds of scar tissue in the person's spiritual body. Even though you start out doing detachment therapy, be ready to shift to regression therapy if and when the need arises or the Lord indicates.

For insight concerning the fact that regression therapy often reveals experiences that apparently happened in a previous life, see Reincarnation 101 (attached).

The increasing order of difficulty seems to be: (1) unconscious memories from this life, (2) past life experiences, (3) dark residue, (4) subpersonalities, and (5) thought forms. Further details on regression therapy will be presented later, in a separate paper.


To counter the feeling of emptiness or weakness which is often experienced for several days after detachment therapy, these two exercises should be done by the subject, in this order, at the close of each detachment session, and at least twice daily for a week thereafter. They are also good homework for anyone at any time.

The act of blessing

Many people have been taught to ask God or Jesus to bless someone they care about--and they say "God bless you" when they are grateful--but not many know that they, themselves, can initiate a blessing.

1. Observe an individual person or living thing, either visually or as a mental image.

2. Appreciate that entity as it is, rather than as you wish it were.

3. Bless that entity by sending it an outward flow of unstructured white light and your own good-will.

Then stop. Don't get hooked by wanting feedback, or to see results. Bless that entity as it is, then go your way and let it go it's way. This exercise implements the first half of the commandment, "Love your neighbor as your self" and the Lord's new commandment, "Love one another as I have loved you." When it is real, the act of blessing initiates an expansion of the light in you.

Inner light exercise

Look inside your self. After a while, you will probably see a little light. Let it grow. Let it build. Let the color change from whatever it was into white. Let it continue to expand and fill all the dark spots and empty spaces. Let it continue to grow until it extends outside your body, an arm's length all around, above your head and below your feet. Then affirm: "This is what I am made of. I am light. I am a child of the Light. This is my lawful space, and nothing but light may enter here."

This exercise implements the other half of "Love your neighbor as yourself." When it is real, it helps the light in you expand and shine and cleanse you and heal you. Remember, the God who rescues souls also loves you and wants you to be whole and healthy and happy and filled with light--forever.

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